A comprehensive review of hospital strategic planning optimization through clinical engineering expertise

Document Type : Review articles


1 biomedical engineering department- MTC Cairo - Egypt

2 Military Technical College Kobry El-kobba

3 Department of Biomedical Engineering Military Technical College, Cairo, Egypt

4 Department of Architectural Engineering, Military Technical College, Cairo, Egypt


Designing hospitals is a challenging task due to the critical nature of
the services they provide. The hospital building must accommodate
a variety of healthcare services, including medical imaging, sample
analysis, surgical operations, and emergency care, to facilitate disease
diagnosis and therapy. The efficient delivery of these services depends
on multiple parameters, but effective strategic planning for hospital’
rooms is crucial for success. While physicians, architects, and sponsors
traditionally form the planning team, the role of the clinical engineer
(CE) is often overlooked. However, CE possesses valuable expertise in
healthcare technology and experience that can significantly contribute to
the development of an ergonomically designed hospital, characterized
by enhanced operational efficiency and optimal moral hygiene. This
literature will delve into the reasons why the clinical engineer is the ideal
choice for this role and highlight the benefits of selecting him to practice
this specialty. Additionally, this study aims to loudly announce this fact
and will propose recommendations to enhance the clinical engineer's
capability to adapt to the future smart hospitals, which are considered
the ultimate goal in healthcare facility planning.


Main Subjects