Integrating CAM and numerical simulation to investigate single point incremental forming of Al6061

Document Type : Original Article


1 Department of Designs and Production, Faculty of Engineering, Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt

2 design and production engineering, Ain shams university, Cairo, Egypt


Single point incremental forming, SPIF, is a forming process that has
a great potential application in sheet metal industries. SPIF is capable
of producing medium size batches of complex shapes with low cost
as it requires no die. This study explores the potentials of integrating
computer aided manufacturing, CAM, and finite element analysis, FEA,
to obtain a virtual model that realistically simulates the SPIF process.
The simulation of SPIF process has been carried out using LS-Dyna4.3©
software while producing a circular and rectangular taper pockets on
a blank made of AL6061. The tool path has been generated using a
CAM software and imported to a CNC machine to execute the SPIF
process, taking into consideration the main forming parameters: the
feed rate and the incremental step size. The results of both simulation
and experiment are presented against each other in terms of thickness
reduction, spring back, and cross-sectional profile, and they are proved
to be close within an accepted range. The virtual model obtained in this
the study is believed to be useful for performing an optimization analysis
to decide the optimum forming parameters that are thought to affect the
SPIF process.
